World Architecture Day

Architecture for the future generation

The International Union of Architects (UIA) proudly celebrates the theme “Empowering the Next Generation in Participatory Urban Design” for World Architecture Day 2024. This day highlights the importance of empowering […]

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2023 World Architecture Day

Architecture for Resilient Communities

The UIA Council chose the theme “Architecture for Resilient Communities” for this year’s World Architecture Day. With this theme, the UIA seeks to place particular emphasis on the capacity and responsibility of architecture to create viable community life and open an international discussion on the relationship between urban and rural areas in all countries.

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Architecture for well-being

The theme is in line with the designation of 2022 as the UIA Year of Design for Health and the Union’s commitment to use evidence-based design to promote health in buildings and cities.

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Clean Environment for a Healthy World

The theme for the 2021 World Architecture Day was, “Clean environment for a healthy world”. The UIA hosted a webinar addressing housing, public spaces and global environmental issues in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Toward a better urban future

UIA President Thomas Vonier has made a declaration for World Architecture Day 2020, taking place on Monday, 5 October 2020. This year's theme is “Toward a better urban future.”

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Architecture…housing for all

Affordable housing is part of the New Urban Agenda, constituting one of the main axes of UN Sustainable Development Goal number 11: “to make cities and human settlements safe, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable”.

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Architecture… for a Better World

The International Union of Architects (UIA) established the World Architecture Day in 1986. It is traditionally celebrated every year on the first Monday in October to coincide with the United Nations World Habitat Day, under the theme "Architecture... for a Better World".

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Climate Change Action!

The President of the International Union of Architects (UIA), Thomas Vonier, has issued a statement on the occasion of World Architecture Day (WAD) 2017. There he confirms and explains the meaning behind the chosen theme, “Climate Change Action!”,  an issue around which all architects should rally without hesitation, since they have a fundamental role to play. With this declaration, Thomas Vonier launches a call to action, for the planet and for humanity.

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