Webinar: Cultural and Architectural Heritage


Organised by the UIA Heritage and Cultural Identity Work Programme, this webinar explores the resilience of communities through their cultural and architectural heritage, within the framework of sustainable tourism.


🔹 Spyridoula A. Tzortzi (Greece) – ‘The resilience of the city of Ioannina through its cultural heritage and tourism’
🔹 Dr Mohamed Amer (Egypt) – ‘The cultural landscape of Civita Di Bagnoregio (Italy): a case study on heritage branding’
🔹 Dr Johannis Tsoumas (Greece) – ‘Tourism advertisements and their role in promoting architectural cultural heritage in Greece: then and now’

🔸 Georgia Cheirchanteri (Greece)

🔸 Samer Helmy Kasem (Egypt)
🔸 Mônica Bahia Schlee (Brazil)

Opening and Closing Remarks:
🔸 Kassim Omar (Kenya)
🔸 Anjumala Pradhan (Nepal)

Cultural and architectural heritage serves as a powerful driver for tourism, connecting visitors with local history, art, and traditions. This webinar will examine how sustainable tourism can safeguard these invaluable treasures for future generations while simultaneously enhancing the economic and social resilience of communities.

Key Topics of Discussion

  • The eco-responsible management of historic sites.
  • The pivotal role of local communities in heritage conservation.
  • The significance of modern strategies to ensure heritage accessibility and appeal.

By integrating heritage preservation with sustainable practices, we can foster a resilient and sustainable future for tourism, addressing global challenges such as climate change and over-tourism.