Webinar: Architecture, Cities, Territories


The UIA Architecture, Cities and Territories Work Programme will organise a webinar on Monday 21 October at 13:30 Paris time

Re-negotiation of the relationship between urban landscape and countryside
Vs Re-incorporation of Nature in the Urban Design for future cities
A city’s sustainability presupposes that urban activities are compatible with the characteristics of place forming its eco-social context. ‘Place’ is understood here as a multidimensional system-field that combines parameters, occupancies, activities, and linkages alltogether. Thus, sustainability is attained through mutual reciprocity, negotiation, and compromise, as opposed to disconnected, or linear actions. Accordingly, the urban and the natural space are mutually concerned, favoring decisions with multifaceted impact. The proposed approach further engages various sizes from the building and the urban scale to the suburban and the natural milieu of the countryside. The design’s objectives are set by linking organically the urban space with its sociocultural, geographical and natural context.
Based on the position that healthy cities create healthier residents and keep our planet healthy: HEALTHIER CITIES MAKE HEALTHY PEOPLE AND A HEALTHY PLANET, as stated by the ARCHITECTURE- CITIES & TERRITORIES, ACT-UIA Working Program, the aim of this proposal is to further develop the 4th objective of the treaty regarding the development of the green city which favours the preservation of the biodiversity of an area.

Architecture for Well-Being
The impact of architecture is either positive or negative; it can not be null. Architects can nudge people to make healthy choices through built setting. Cities should be the incubator of healthy lifestyle, healthy buildings and green space to promote health. Neighborhoods with improved air quality, reduced sound pollution, access to natural light and nudging people for physical movements and social interaction promotes healthy lifestyles. Buildings with zero emission and less environmental footprint are healthier. Balance of built, open, green and blue space is outmost requirement for cities and it’s inhabitants to breathe. The new paradigm that the society would seek after sustainability is Healthy architecture.

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