The UIA calls for solidarity with countries affected by natural disasters


Following the increasing number of natural catastrophes occurring around the world, the UIA expresses its concern faced with the tragic loss of so many human lives. Thousands of people have lost their homes and livelihood, and considerable damage has been inflicted upon the built environment and architectural heritage.

The UIA expresses its support for people in the affected areas and recognises the immediate priority of preservation of human life and heritage sites. As the affected population comes to terms with the significant loss of life, there is also an urgent need for water, food, sanitation and shelter, in addition to planning for recovery and reconstruction

The UIA is in the process of establishing a new Work Programme on ‘Natural and Human Disasters’, to analyse and concretise the professional assistance that architects can provide in the face of such disasters as those experienced in the past days. This new programme will be composed of experts from UIA Member Sections with the collaboration of Emergency Architects, an NGO recognised as an expert in the domain.

The International Union of Architects extends its heartfelt condolences and solidarity to the people affected.