
The II National Conference on Architecture and Urbanism, which took place in Rio de Janeiro from October 7 / 10 October, included special guests such UIA Past President Jaime Lerner and architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha. 2006 Winners of the Golden Medal of the Royal British Architect Institute (RIBA) and the Golden Lion of the Venice Architecture Biennale, respectively, they will give some of the architects and town planners to discuss topics relevant to Architecture and Urbanism.

The 2nd National Conference on Architecture and Urbanism was organised around the theme, “All the Worlds :Towards UIA.2020.RIO”, in reference to the 27th World Congress of Architects, to be held in Rio de Janeiro in 2020, “All the Worlds. One world. Architecture 21”. RIO 2020 will be organized by the UIA’s Brazilian section, IAB, with the support of other entities of architecture and urbanism in Brazil.

The activities and discussions of the Conference are inspirational to all Brazilian organizations. The event was free of charge and open to all architects, planners and others who wish to participate. Topics such as the renovation of urban centers, the fragility of the peripheries, the impact of new technologies on the reorganization of cities, technical assistance for housing of social interest, professional practice, ethics and education were discussed. CAU / RJ and IAB support the initiative.