Solano Benítez (Paraguay) will speak at the XXVII UIA World Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Honorary member of the American Institute of Architects since 2012, he has received prestigious […]
Solano Benítez (Paraguay) will speak at the XXVII UIA World Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Honorary member of the American Institute of Architects since 2012, he has received prestigious […]
Architect Elizabeth de Portzamparc is a member of the UIA 2020 RIO Honorary Committee and will be delivering a speech at the 27th World Congress of Architects, taking place from the 19th […]
Rio de Janeiro has been designated as the first UNESCO-UIA World Capital of Architecture for 2020-21. The city will hold a series of events with particular focus on promoting the […]
4 December 2019—MADRID, SPAIN—On the occasion of COP25, the United Nations climate conference meeting in Spain, the International Union of Architects (UIA) calls for immediate political action to enforce responsible […]
As president of the International Union of Architects, and personally, it is heartening to receive so many expressions of profound sorrow at the devastation of Notre Dame. Catastrophe can give […]
In January 2018 the European Ministers of Culture adopted the Davos Declaration calling for a high-quality Baukultur to improve the wellbeing of all. To understand how we can improve the […]
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has awarded the 2019 Gold Medal to Italian-born British architect Richard Rogers. The Gold Medal is the AIA’s highest annual honor, recognizing individuals whose […]
Paris, 18 January—The Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, announced the designation of the city of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) as the first UNESCO-UIA World Capital of Architecture for 2020, in […]
The UIA supports our American colleagues, who in these difficult times have stood up in courageous defense of our global profession. Where we stand Immigration and visa restrictions […]
Preparations are underway for the 1stedition of the UIA International Forum that will take place from 7 to 11 June 2019 in Baku, Azerbaijan. The schedule of events has been […]