

Emerging Global Trends in Architectural Education

The UIA Commission on Architectural Education organised a webinar on ‘Emerging Global Trends in Architectural Education’.

The event included three very interesting presentations: Radicant Design by Jana Revedi, Decolonising Architectural Pedagogy by Ashraf Salama, and Ear to the Ground, Gaze to the Stars by Selma Harrington.


Launch: UIA Young Architects competition

The International Union of Architects (UIA) has launched  an international ideas competition designed to inspire and empower young architects to take a leading role in participatory urban design.


Webinar: Cultural and Architectural Heritage

Organised by the UIA Heritage and Cultural Identity Work Programme, this webinar explores the resilience of communities through their cultural and architectural heritage, within the framework of sustainable tourism.


President’s message for 2025

The challenges humanity faces today are numerous and complex: the climate crisis, frequent natural disasters, political upheavals and wars; increasing inequalities, the affordability crisis, rapid advances in digitalisation and artificial intelligence.


The UIA Delegation at COP29

The International Union of Architects (UIA) delegation’s participation at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, marked a crucial step in aligning the architectural profession with the global climate agenda. The event underscored both the opportunities and challenges architects face in driving transformative climate action, particularly in vulnerable economies.


The UIA adopts motion on conflict in the Middle East

In a remarkable show of solidarity, the Extraordinary General Assembly of the International Union of Architects (UIA) has unanimously adopted a motion proposed by Arab Member Sections, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Mauritania, and Palestine. This resolution is a response to the ongoing conflicts and humanitarian crises in the Middle East,


Daylight Talk by Department of ARCHITECTURE Co

The final lecture in the 2024 Daylight Talk series is entitled ‘Crafting the Intangible’ by Department of ARCHITECTURE Co, in collaboration with the National University of Singapore (NUS).


ACT Talk – Architecture, Cities, Territories Work Program

The UIA Architecture, Cities, Territories Work Program will hold a webinar on 12 December at 13:30 Paris time. The  ACT Talk (Architecture, Cities, Territories) will highlight innovative perspectives on contemporary urban realities, territorial resilience, and innovative planning strategies.