
Concours européen pour Residence Palace

The international competition was organised by the European Union Council to restructure the Residence Palace in Brussels. 

In conformity with the UNESCO-UIA regulations, this competition received the approval of the International Union of Architects – UIA. 


Seoul Performing Arts Center

The international ideas competition was launched by the Organising Committee for the Creation of the Seoul Performing Arts Centre in order to gain inspiration for the venue’s architectural design.

In conformity with the UNESCO-UIA regulations, this competition received the approval of the International Union of Architects – UIA. 

Asian Culture Complex

This international project competition was organised by the Korean Ministry of Culture and Tourism for the construction of a new Asian Culture Complex in Gwangju.

This competition took place over a single stage and complied with UNESCO-UIA regulations. It was approved by the International Union of Architects (UIA).


New National Library Prague

This international architectural competition aimed to find urban, architectural, technical and operational solutions for the new National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague. 

This competition was organised over two stages. Participants presented their ideas for the shaping and usage of the reserve area between the east facade of the National Library and the City Ring Road tunnel entrance. 


Urban Design for Tianjin Binhai Area (TBNA) Yujiapu

This international ideas competition was organised by the People’s Government of Tanggu District for the urban planning of Yujiapu District in Tianjin muncipality.