
The Peak, Hong-Kong

This competition was promoted by the directors and managers of OLS Property Development Limited and sponsored by the International Union of Architects (UIA).

This competition was organised on the basis of the revised recommendations concerning international competitions in architecture and town planning adopted by the UNESCO General Conference on 27 November 1978.

Parc de la Villette

Within the framework of the public building construction programmes approved by the President of the Republic, the Etablissement Public du Parc de La Villette was appointed to organise the development of a city park. 

The park, the first of its size to be developed for over a century, is situated on the north-eastern edge of Paris on the grounds of “La Villette” and totals some 55 hectares.

La Defense district, Paris

In March 1982, the French President announced a vast operation of town-planning and architectural projects, including the “Tête Defense” competition. 

This competition was organised by the Établissement public pour l’aménagement de La Défense. 

It was sponsored by the International Union of Architectes (UIA). This international competition was conducted in one stage and maintained the anonymity of all participants. 

Alexandrina Library

This international competition aimed for the revival of the great Library of Alexandrina and was organised in the framework of an Egyptian National Project initiated by the University of Alexandrina.

The Egyptian Government, with the assistance of UNESCO and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) decided to build a new Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

This competition was supervised by the International Union of Architects (UIA).