The International Union of Architects has many years of experience overseeing and assisting in the organisation of international competitions in architecture and urban planning. In 1956, delegations of practicing architects from all over the world drew up a set of standard regulations for international competitions in architecture and urban planning, which UNESCO subsequently ratified. The framework and objectives embodied in the UNESCO Regulations have endured for more than sixty years, prioritising equal treatment, transparency, qualified adjudication, quality and innovation. The experience and authority conferred on UIA by UNESCO allows us to serve as a reference in terms of ethics and prestige in the realm of international architecture and urban planning competitions. Support from the UIA gives organisers access to architects and architecture students as well as to media and professional institutions worldwide.
Quality competitions, quality architecture since 1956
The UIA promotes excellence in architecture, sustainability and cultural diversity. Student and professional international architecture competitions endorsed through the UNESCO-UIA International Competitions Programme have taken place all over the world and have resulted in some of the most iconic edifices of the 20th century. The experience and authority conferred upon the UIA by UNESCO in 1956 allow us to serve as a reference in terms of ethics in the realm of architecture and urban planning competitions globally.
The UIA also advises on the organisation of international architectural prizes. Launched by public or private organisms these prizes spotlight specific architectural realisations, materials, technologies, themes, or research. UIA-endorsed architecture prizes have taken place all over the world.
The UIA-HYP Cup, today in its 10th edition, is the only student architecture competition in mainland China. The UIA has endorsed the competition since its conception in 2012. Each edition of […]
The International Union of Architects (UIA) has announced the results of the Great Green Wall (GGW) single stage competition, the official student competition of the 29th UIA World Congress of Architects taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The Official Journal of the European Commission announced the international architectural design competition for the renewal of the European Parliament – Paul-Henri SPAAK Building Brussels on 26 May 2020. The international, single stage architectural design project competition with an open pre-qualification followed by a restricted procedure was endorsed by the UIA.
The European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) organised a restricted international multidisciplinary project competition for the design of the new JRC Site Headquarters in Seville, Spain.
Region II - Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East | Greece
The Municipality of Larissa in Greece organised an International Open Ideas Competition for the Design of the Surrounding Area of the Ancient Theatre A’ of Larissa.
In July 2021, the UIA General Assembly declared 2022 the “UIA Year of Design for Health”. This commitment urges all UIA Member Sections to encourage architects and their clients to […]
Region II - Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East | Greece
TIF-HELEXPO, a national exhibition and conference organizer based in Thessaloniki, Greece, organised an international multidisciplinary project competition with prequalification for the design of Thessaloniki ConfEx Park, located in the heart of Thessaloniki, currently home to 1.1 million people and Greece’s second largest city.
The International VELUX Award, a biannual international student ideas competition endorsed by the UIA since 2004, has announced its Regional Winners for the 2020 Edition.
Region II - Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East | Iraq
UNESCO with the support of the Government of United Arab Emirates, the Prime Minister of Iraq and the UN Secretary-General, organised an international, single stage, open and anonymous architecture competition for the Reconstruction & Rehabilitation of the Al Nouri Complex in Mosul, Iraq.