Urban Design for Tianjin Binhai Area (TBNA) Yujiapu

This international ideas competition was organised by the People’s Government of Tanggu District for the urban planning of Yujiapu District in Tianjin muncipality.


Competition results

Fist Prize :

HHDesign, China

Second Prize:

i3 Consultores S.A., Spain

Third Prize :

Henning Larsen Architects, Denmark

Theme and objectives

The goal of this competition was to specify the orientation of planning and development, establish implementation concepts for the overall form of the urban area and build the image of the Tianjin Binhai Area (TBNA) as a financial and commercial centre. 

Concerning the requirements for the design, it had to be modern, ecological and human-centred. It also needed to adopt advanced design concepts, combining the reality of the area and taking into account the feasibility of the planning. Equally, it had to boast the features of an international financial and business district with first-class facilities and a comfortable, pleasant and convenient environment for working and living. 

Also, the design needed to feature the historical and cultural heritage of the area and endow it with the vitality of the modern world so that it could coexist harmoniously with the open urban environment. 


Key criteria

Below were the main selection criteria: 

  • The depth and scope of the design should fully meet the requirements of the design task proposal;
  • Advanced design concepts should be adopted, combining the reality of the area and taking into account of the feasibility of the planning;
  • The project should feature the historical and cultural heritage of the area and endow it with the vitality of the modern world;
  • The project should meet the requirements of sustainable development and phrasal implementation;
  • The jury preserved its right to establish further criteria.

Jury Members

  • Simon Allford, Architect, UIA representative, United Kingdom;
  • Stig L. Andersson, Architect, Denmark;
  • Bruno Fortier, Architect and Town Planner, France;
  • Michael Sorkin, Architect, USA;
  • Kai Cui, Architect, China;
  • Deci Zou, Town Planner, China;
  • Zhengshan Wang, Local Government Representative, China. 


This competition was open to all architects and urban planners or multidisciplinary teams led by at least one architect or one urban planner who were licensed and/or registered with the appropriate professional body to practise the profession in their own country of residence. 

After a pre-selection procedure, 8 entrants were invited to participate in the competition.



Competition closed. Results announced in 2008