The Peak, Hong-Kong

This competition was promoted by the directors and managers of OLS Property Development Limited and sponsored by the International Union of Architects (UIA).

This competition was organised on the basis of the revised recommendations concerning international competitions in architecture and town planning adopted by the UNESCO General Conference on 27 November 1978.

Competition results

Winner :

Zaha Hadid from the UNITED KINGDOM

Theme and objectives

The sponsors of the Peak competition wished to create an architectural landmark which could provide an example of quality and dignity. They were hoping to build an extremely luxurious residential club which would take advantage of the dramatic and extremely visible site on Victoria Peak.

The compatibility of the solution with the very imposing natural environment and the sensitivity of the relationship of the skyline with the proposed building’s form, materials and colours (as viewed from Victoria Peak as well as the city centre) were important factors.

The successful aesthetic solution had to rely heavily on an integration of internal and external areas, of built spaces and of natural interventions, thus highlighting the impressive long-range harbour views. 

Also, the promoters were looking for a full integration of the design of the building and the site’s landscape potential. The project had to assure a total unity of architecture and interior design, complement the quality of materials and finishes with an exciting spatial experience that would unite the varied parts of the building, and achieve enough flexibility in functional use to accommodate short and long-term change. 

Key criteria

Participants had to adhere to the following criteria: 

  • Effective use of the permitted development content and development of an efficient, integral structural methodology;
  • Exploration of the principles of energy conservation and energy management; 
  • Provision for a degree of flexibility in the building design; 
  • Use of levels, voids, architectural volumes and sequential volumetric experience;
  • Noise control to maintain privacy for both club users and the local community.

Jury Members

In this competition, 539 entries were received by jury, which was composed as follows: 

  • John Andrews, AUSTRALIA;
  • Arata Isozaki, UIA representative, JAPAN;
  • Richard Meier, USA;
  • Ronald Poon, HKIA President, HONG KONG;
  • Gabriel Formosa, PHILIPPINES;
  • Alfred Siu, OLS Property Development Limited representative;
  • Michael Sandberg, Chairman of the Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, HONG KONG.


This competition was open to all architects, teams of architects or teams of related specialists led by an architect. Participating architects had to be corporate members of recognised professional institutes or bodies belonging to any country.


Competition closed. Results announced on December 1982


Reference documents