The International Union of Architects (UIA) launched the Next Generation of Stroke Rehabilitation Centres international single stage student ideas competition open to all students in architecture of the world.

The competition was organised by the UIA Public Health Group and the NOVELL Redesign Team. It was co-sponsored by the Australian Health Design Council (AHDC).

Read the questions and answers.

After consultations, the competition organiser of the Next Generation of Stroke Rehabilitation Centres International Ideas Student Competition decided on the need to allow participants to exceed 1,600 sqm if they wished to include ancillary facilities (catering, stores, logistics, service and administration ) in their design proposal.

The submission deadline was extended and took place over a period of several days, that is, 15-21 April 2023.

Submissions were accepted until 21 April, 23:59 France time (GMT+2).

Due to the large number of applications received, the jury had to postpone the evaluation meeting. The results were announced on June 5.

Keywords : Health


A total amount of 12,500 euros will be distributed among the authors of the winning projects:

  • 1st prize: EUR 5,000+ a certificate
  • 2nd prize: EUR 3,000 + a certificate
  • 3rd prize: EUR 2,000 + a certificate
  • 4th prize: EUR 1,500 + a certificate
  • 5th prize: EUR 1,000 + a certificate
  • Honourable Mentions: a certificate

NOVELL will invite the prize winners to become co-researchers at the NOVELL Redesign.

Competition results

1st prize

“Xhosa Miracle Spring”, Coffee Bay, Eastern Cape, South Africa, by Zheyuan Zhao, Jiayu Sun, Yutong Sun, Haibo Sun and Fei Lian, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

2nd prize

“Community Patches – Warm Around, Life Around”, Beijing, China, by Zuozheng Shi, Han Cui, Biao Chen, Xiaohui Guo and Wen Ouyang, Tingwan Huang, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China

3rd prize

“Meet Me at S.M.L. !”, Seoul, South Korea, by Byeongsoo Kim and Kyeonghyeon Park, Kwangwoon University, South Korea

4th prize

“Sustainable Survivor’s Village”, Yaoundé, Cameroon, by Sidoine Baudrel Nde Keulek, Steve Wilson Ntakam Tonguembo, Lizette Marlaine Tsafack Donfack and Emy Sandrine Masso, National Advanced School of Public Works, Cameroon

5th prize

“Forest Rehabilitation Villa”, Miura, Kanagawa, Japan, by Meng Chen, Nan Jiang, Fujia Lyu, Yutong Li and Hsin-Hsien Chiu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Honourable mention

“Riverside Recovery”, San Antonio, Texas, United States of America, by Neda Norouzi, Dana Martinez, Ariana Gomez and Narda Parga Moreno, The University of Texas at San Antonio, United States of America

Honourable mention

“Kumasi Stroke Rehabilitation Center”, Ejisu, Kumasi, Ashanti, Ghana, by Harriet Asamoah, Nuhu Shuaib Abekah, Yiho Sare Yaboure Aristide Kevin Daouda, Philip Chinwendu Jason and Oliver Ackumey, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana

Honourable mention

“Reinvigorate Center”, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, by Salma Essam Eldin Anwar, Ameera Abdallah Anas and Muna Mohamed Elsadig, University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Honourable mention

“Rehabitat”, Gdansk, Poland, by Artur Gała and Jan Kubec, Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Poland

Honourable mention

“Wroclaw Stroke Rehabilitation Center”, Wroclaw, Poland, by Fryderyk Karzkowiak, Ewelina Zub, and Barbara Gronostajska, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland

Honourable mention

“Blending To Harmony”, Wuhan, Hubei, China, by Liu Qiwei, Huang Lingjiang and Peng Xu, Wuhan University, China

Honourable mention

“Revive Through Nature”, Minkoameyos, Yaoundé, Cameroon, by Kenfack Azangmo Anselme Raoul, Tekeu Kelly Fakira, Tsafack Fabien Junior, Tiayo Nopousse Diderot and Joubouh Atiofak Bienvenu Espoir, National Advanced School of Public Works, Cameroon

Theme and objectives

To respond to recent global health crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and other devastating disasters, the UIA General Assembly in July 2021 declared “2022: UIA Year of Design for Health.” This commitment urges all UIA Member Sections to encourage architects and their clients to use evidence-based design to promote health in buildings and cities, and promotes “Design that protects health, design that develops Better Health, and design that restores health once it is impaired.”

This competition aims to encourage architecture and design students interested in design for health and to advance new ideas and futuristic concepts to solve current challenges identified by brain-injured (stroke) patients, family members, and medical staff. It invites students to design a rehabilitation centre for 30 stroke survivors and seeks creative and ambitious designs to meet stroke survivors’ needs during their recovery.

Jury Members

  • John Cooper, Architect, UK (jury president)
  • Fani Vavili-Tsinika, Professor Emeritus, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, UIA Council member, Greece (UIA representative)
  • Philip Patrick Sun, Architect, USA
  • Jane Repin Carthey, Architect, Australia
  • Innocent Okpanum, Architect, South Africa

Alternate jurors:

  • Pei Ing Tan, UIA Secretary General, Malaysia (UIA representative)
  • Henning Lensch, Architect, Germany


The competition is open to full-time university architectural students from all over the world. Multidisciplinary teams are encouraged. However, only architectural students can serve as team leaders or authors. Full-time university students from other disciplines, including interior design, landscape architecture, urban design, urban planning, medicine, neuroscience, psychology, and others, can be co-authors or team members acting as specialists.

All team members (authors, co-authors, specialists) must be enrolled as university students by the time of the project submission to the competition website. Each team may have 1 to 5 university students, with 1 or 2 advisors. Having an advisor for this competition is not mandatory. Advisors must be named as consultants.


1st prize: Zheyuan Zhao, Jiayu Sun, Yutong Sun, Haibo Sun, Fei Lian (Advisor)

Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Xhosa Miracle Spring, Coffee Bay, Eastern Cape, South Africa


2nd prize: Zuozheng Shi, Han Cui, Biao Chen, Xiaohui Guo, Wen Ouyang (Advisor), Tingwan Huang (Advisor)

Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China

Community Patches – Warm Around, Life Around, Beijing, China


3rd prize: Byeongsoo Kim, Kyeonghyeon Park

Kwangwoon University, South Korea

Meet Me at S.M.L. !, Seoul, South Korea


4th prize: Sidoine Baudrel Nde Keulek, Steve Wilson Ntakam Tonguembo, Lizette Marlaine Tsafack Donfack, Emy Sandrine Masso

National Advanced School of Public Works, Cameroon

Sustainable Survivor’s Village, Yaoundé, Cameroon


5th prize: Meng Chen, Nan Jiang, Fujia Lyu, Yutong Li, Hsin-Hsien Chiu (Advisor)

Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Forest Rehabilitation Villa, Miura, Kanagawa, Japan


Honourable mentions:

Neda Norouzi, Dana Martinez, Ariana Gomez, Narda Parga Moreno

The University of Texas at San Antonio, United States of America

Riverside Recovery, San Antonio, Texas, United States of America


Harriet Asamoah, Nuhu Shuaib Abekah, Yiho Sare Yaboure Aristide Kevin Daouda, Philip Chinwendu Jason, Oliver Ackumey

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana

Kumasi Stroke Rehabilitation Center, Ejisu, Kumasi, Ashanti, Ghana


Salma Essam Eldin Anwar, Ameera Abdallah Anas, Muna Mohamed Elsadig

University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Reinvigorate Center, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


Artur Gała, Jan Kubec (Advisor)

Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Poland

Rehabitat, Gdansk, Poland


Fryderyk Karzkowiak, Ewelina Zub, Barbara Gronostajska (Advisor)

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland

Wroclaw Stroke Rehabilitation Center, Wroclaw, Poland


Liu Qiwei, Huang Lingjiang (Advisor), Peng Xu (Advisor)

Wuhan University, China

Blending To Harmony, Wuhan, Hubei, China


Kenfack Azangmo Anselme Raoul, Tekeu Kelly Fakira, Tsafack Fabien Junior, Tiayo Nopousse Diderot, Joubouh Atiofak Bienvenu Espoir

National Advanced School of Public Works, Cameroon

Revive Through Nature, Minkoameyos, Yaoundé, Cameroon


The winning entries will be exhibited at the UIA Public Health Work Programme Exhibition during the 28th UIA World Congress of Architects in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 2-6 July 2023.

To read the jury report, click here

Key dates

2022-08-01 Competition launch
2022-11-15 Deadline for questions
2022-12-15 Deadline for answers
2023-03-15 Deadline for registration
2023-04-15 Deadline for submission of entries
2023-06-05 Announcement of results