10th Korean Rural Architecture Competition

The tenth cycle of the International Exhibition for Korean Rural Architectural Competition was organised to seek the implementation of a new architectural culture in South Korea. 

This competition was held by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in cooperation with the International Union of Architects (UIA). It was hosted by the Korea Rural Community Corporation and by the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture.

View the website of the organisers: 

Keywords : Rural planning, Sustainability

Competition results

First prize :

NAAW, Alice Wong Architect, HONG-KONG

Theme and objectives

The Korean Rural Architectural Competition was a public competition for the renovation of residential facilities through the rehabilitation of old buildings found in Korean rural villages as well as the construction of new buildings around them. It targeted the former warehouses of Nonghyup and the former local children’s centre in Sari-Myeon, Goesan-Gun, Chungcheongbuk-Do.

The international exhibition was organised in order to share ideas for the improvement of regional cultural facilities for the 10th anniversary of the Korean Rural Architecture Competition. Such facilities revitalise and enhance rural areas throughout South Korea and the ideas submitted as part of the competition could assist residents in enhancing regional cultural facilities and improving their quality of life.

The participants had two different sites to work on: Site (A): The Senior Centre and Site (B): The Junior Centre.

Key criteria

Below are the key points used to evaluate entries:

  • Design/concept target:
  1. Possibility of realisation and sustainability throughout the entire design concept.
  2. Descriptive consistency from the concept to the final result.
  • Urban planning points to be considered:
  1. Layout outlined in an urban plan, mass division plan and external space plan with an overview of legal considerations.
  • Architectural design expression:
  1. Creativity of architectural design.
  2. Consistency in space plan.
  3. Composition of material and details. 
  4. Affordable design draft conforming to the project’s budget.
  5. Design draft for reducing the buildings’ management costs.
  • External space design expression:
  1. Consistency in composition of external spaces.
  2. Innovative external space plan.
  1. Composition of materials and details
  • Structural/technical concept:
  1. Suggestion of a structure fitting the design concept as a whole.
  2. Variability. 
  3. Feasibility of construction and appropriate material selection.
  4. Design draft for energy saving and environmentally friendly architectural plan.

Jury Members

  • Charles Walker, Architect and Academic, UNITED KINGDOM;
  • Dominique Gauzin-Müller, Chief editor of French Architecture Magazine écologiK, FRANCE;
  • Suhei Endo, Professor and Academic, JAPAN;
  • Young-Hwan, Im, Architect, SOUTH KOREA; 
  • Joh Sung-Yong, Architect and Professor, SOUTH KOREA.

Alternate Jury Members:

  • Yong-Mi Kim, Architect, Co-president of GEUMSUNG Architects & Associates, LTD., SOUTH KOREA.


This competition was an open, international ideas competition. It was open to:

  • All registered architects from across the world.
  • Students and graduates from recognised institutions around the world holding diplomas in architecture, urbanism or town-planning. 
  • Submissions by teams were accepted, but double applications were not allowed.
  • Each team participating in the competition had to appoint one representative.


Competition closed. Results announced on 2015


Reference documents