Bamiyan Cultural Centre

UNESCO, with the collaboration of the Government of Afghanistan, organised an international open competition in 2014 for the design of the Bamiyan Cultural Centre.

The realisation of this project on one of the most prominent sites overlooking the Buddha Cliffs was made possible by the support of the Bamiyan Governor and Mayor, the Ministry of Information and Culture, the Ministry of Agriculture and the people of Bamiyan. This project is located near the UNESCO World Heritage property of Bamiyan, which has outstanding universal value.

UNESCO, with the collaboration of the Government of Afghanistan, organised an international open competition in 2014 for the design of the Bamiyan Cultural Centre.

The realisation of this project on one of the most prominent sites overlooking the Buddha Cliffs was made possible by the support of the Bamiyan Governor and Mayor, the Ministry of Information and Culture, the Ministry of Agriculture and the people of Bamiyan. This project is located near the UNESCO World Heritage property of Bamiyan, which has outstanding universal value.

New HQ for the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences

The UIA endorsed the international, restricted two-phase architecture competition for the design of the new headquarters for the Kuwait Foundation of Sciences (KFAS), a private, non-profit organisation dedicated to progress and to the advancement of the society through science and technology.

The UIA endorsed the international, restricted two-phase architecture competition for the design of the new headquarters for the Kuwait Foundation of Sciences (KFAS), a private, non-profit organisation dedicated to progress and to the advancement of the society through science and technology.

European Commission: Projet Loi 130

The invited international, two-phase project competition was launched in March 2018 to identify the best and most environmentally-friendly solution for a mixed-use office space in the heart of the “European Quarter” in Brussels demarcated by streets Rue de la Loi, Rue de Spa, Rue Joseph II and the Chausée d’Etterbeek.

The invited international, two-phase project competition was launched in March 2018 to identify the best and most environmentally-friendly solution for a mixed-use office space in the heart of the “European Quarter” in Brussels demarcated by streets Rue de la Loi, Rue de Spa, Rue Joseph II and the Chausée d’Etterbeek.

Knowledge and Innovation Center

The International Architectural Design Competition for the Knowledge and Innovation Center in Tripoli, Lebanon was managed by the Lebanese Federation of Engineers and Architects on behalf of the Tripoli Special Economic Zone and the Government of the Republic of Lebanon.

The International Architectural Design Competition for the Knowledge and Innovation Center in Tripoli, Lebanon was managed by the Lebanese Federation of Engineers and Architects on behalf of the Tripoli Special Economic Zone and the Government of the Republic of Lebanon.

National Concert Hall Architectural Design Competition

The UIA endorsed the international architectural design competition for the National Concert Hall in Vilnius, Lithuania. Architects from all over the world were invited to design one of the most important future spaces in the capital city of Lithuania and to submit their proposals to the Vilnius City Municipality.

The UIA endorsed the international architectural design competition for the National Concert Hall in Vilnius, Lithuania. Architects from all over the world were invited to design one of the most important future spaces in the capital city of Lithuania and to submit their proposals to the Vilnius City Municipality.

Piazza Transalpina / Trg Evrope

The urban regeneration project linking the Italian city of Gorizia with the Slovenian city, Nova Gorica, and creating a shared central area to be known as Europe Square – Piazzale Della Transalpina and the hub EPICenter, was conducted as part of a campaign for the title of 2025 European Capital of Culture (ECoC).

The urban regeneration project linking the Italian city of Gorizia with the Slovenian city, Nova Gorica, and creating a shared central area to be known as Europe Square – Piazzale Della Transalpina and the hub EPICenter, was conducted as part of a campaign for the title of 2025 European Capital of Culture (ECoC).

European Parliament – Paul-Henri SPAAK Building

The Official Journal of the European Commission announced the international architectural design competition for the renewal of the European Parliament – Paul-Henri SPAAK Building Brussels on 26 May 2020. The international, single stage architectural design project competition with an open pre-qualification followed by a restricted procedure was endorsed by the UIA.

The Official Journal of the European Commission announced the international architectural design competition for the renewal of the European Parliament – Paul-Henri SPAAK Building Brussels on 26 May 2020. The international, single stage architectural design project competition with an open pre-qualification followed by a restricted procedure was endorsed by the UIA.

Tuchkov Buyan Park, Saint Petersburg

The UIA endorsed the international competition for the architectural landscape design concept of Tuchkov Buyan Park in Saint Petersburg (Russia). Architects and landscape designers from all countries were invited to submit their expressions of interest for this single-stage restricted competition.

The UIA endorsed the international competition for the architectural landscape design concept of Tuchkov Buyan Park in Saint Petersburg (Russia). Architects and landscape designers from all countries were invited to submit their expressions of interest for this single-stage restricted competition.

Reconstruction & Rehabilitation of Al Nouri Complex, Mosul

UNESCO with the support of the Government of United Arab Emirates, the Prime Minister of Iraq and the UN Secretary-General, organised an international, single stage, open and anonymous architecture competition for the Reconstruction & Rehabilitation of the Al Nouri Complex in Mosul, Iraq.

UNESCO with the support of the Government of United Arab Emirates, the Prime Minister of Iraq and the UN Secretary-General, organised an international, single stage, open and anonymous architecture competition for the Reconstruction & Rehabilitation of the Al Nouri Complex in Mosul, Iraq.

European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC)

The European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) organised a restricted international multidisciplinary project competition for the design of the new JRC Site Headquarters in Seville, Spain.

The European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) organised a restricted international multidisciplinary project competition for the design of the new JRC Site Headquarters in Seville, Spain.