Early bird registration for the UIA World Congress of Architects taking place in Denmark, Copenhagen on 2-6 July is open till 31 March. It is now possible to book accommodation […]

Monday 20 – Wednesday 22 February 2023 The UIA Heritage and Cultural Identity Work Programme organised the “World Heritage Convention – 50th Anniversary Online Conference” to mark the adoption of […]

The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture has released a publication titled “Architecture of the Pandemic: A compendium of COVID-19 responses in the built environment” as a […]

Save the date: Thursday 9 – Saturday 11 March 2023 Building on the success of the previous two virtual Spring Conferences, the themes of AIAISC’23 will be “Detail & Storytelling”. Presenters […]

The Society of Nepalese Architects (SONA) Annual Convention took place on 19-20 January 2023 in Kathmandu, Nepal. UIA President José Luis Cortés, Secretary General Pei Ing Tan, Region IV VP […]

The Ordem dos Arquitectos do Portugal invites its members to participate in the 16th Congress of Architects on 2-4 March in Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, Azores. Participants will discuss a […]

The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) invites members and international delegates to the RAIC Conference on Architecture taking place in Calgary, Alberta on 2-6 May. The event invites proposals […]

Patxi Mangado (Francisco Mangado Beloqui) received the 2022 Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts. The award is conferred by the Spanish Government to individuals and entities that have excelled […]

Chilean architect Fernando Perez Oyarzun received the 2022 National Architecture Award on 22 January 2023. The ceremony took place during the final day of the XXII Biennial of Architecture and […]

The UIA 2023 World Congress of Architects, taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark on 2-6 July 2023 will host three DAYLIGHT TALKS. Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara, Grafton Architects (Ireland), recipients […]