
The UIA organizes various forums and events such as the World Capital of Architecture, in collaboration with UNESCO, to highlight the importance of architecture, urban planning, and culture in the identity and sustainable development of cities. It also celebrates World Architecture Day alongside UN World Habitat Day, hosts World Congresses, and holds annual events like the Year of Design for Health in 2022 and webinars.
World Congress

Beijing 2029

Under the theme “Back to Balance: Architecture for everyone’s better life”, the 2029 Congress will invite participants to engage in a profound exploration of equilibrium in the context of our rapidly evolving world, and examine how the built environment can be designed in harmony with technology and society.

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World Congress

Barcelona 2026

Barcelona will become the first city to host the event twice. With the motto “One today, one tomorrow“, the UIA World Congress in Barcelona will look at the city’s relationship with its architecture to discuss a viable and sustainable future.

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2024 Kuala Lumpur

The city of Kuala Lumpur will host the next UIA International Forum (UIA2024KL) on 15-19 November 2024 with the theme “Diversecity”.

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World Congress

Copenhagen 2023

The Congress invites architects and professionals from the building and planning communities to meet in Copenhagen to back the UN 17 Sustainable Goals, to innovate and discover sustainable solutions and to enable a leap forward […]

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2023 World Architecture Day
Architecture Day

Architecture for Resilient Communities

The UIA Council chose the theme “Architecture for Resilient Communities” for this year’s World Architecture Day. With this theme, the UIA seeks to place particular emphasis on the capacity and responsibility of architecture to create viable community life and open an international discussion on the relationship between urban and rural areas in all countries.

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The UIA organizes, supports and participates in a variety of events, from conferences and webinars to global forums, exhibitions, special edition newsletters and meetings. One of the key missions of the Union is to connect architects from all over the world, encouraging dialogue and debate through many different kinds of initiatives.

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2022 Madrid

The UIA International Forum on Affordable Housing will take place in Madrid, Spain, 18 – 20 May 2022. Registration will open 15 December 2021.

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In July 2021, the UIA General Assembly declared 2022 the “UIA Year of Design for Health”. This commitment urges all UIA Member Sections to encourage architects and their clients to […]

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World Congress

Rio de Janeiro 2021

27th World Congress of Architects: 18 – 22 July 2021 Due to the health crisis and government restrictions on public gatherings, the UIA2021RIO Executive Committee decided to hold the Congress […]

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