The professional structure protecting the interests of the majority of architects in a country or territory can become a Member Section of the UIA. Through these Member Sections, the UIA is represented in the following countries and territories, geographically grouped into 5 regions:
Region I: Western Europe
Founded under the Architecture Act 1977, the Ordre des Architectes lists 30,000 professionals on the Register of Architects who bear the title and practice architecture in compliance with their Code of Professional Conduct. Under the authority of the Ministry of Culture, the Ordre is a public service that protects consumers. Its role is also to represent the profession with public authorities and promote architectural quality.
Year of establishment: 1969. The “Bundesarchitektenkammer e.V.” (BAK – Federal Chamber of German Architects) is the governing body of the 16 Federal State Chambers of Architects in Germany. It represents the interests of about 138.000 architects in politics and the public on a national and international level. Although both architect and building order regulations are a matter of individual federal state legislation, many important political decisions pertaining to the profession are made in Berlin or Brussels.
The RIAI was established in 1839 as the representative body for architects in Ireland. It supports the architectural profession, promotes excellence in the built environment and the value that architecture brings to society for everyone’s benefit. It is also the Registration Body and Competent Authority for architects in Ireland and maintains the Register for Architects.
The CNAPPC was established at the Ministry of Justice by Law no. 1395 on June 24, 1923. The Council consists of 15 members elected by the 105 Provincial Chambers, with each member serving a five-year term. The CNAPPC conducts in-depth studies on professional issues through the work of its 18 departments, each coordinated by a National Councillor. The National Council makes decisions to provide opinions and interpretations regarding laws and provisions related to the profession, and it promotes the quality of architectural projects.
The Danish Architects’ Association (established in 1879) is a professional community and the only independent association of architects in Denmark. The purpose of the association is to support and promote the architectural quality of cities, buildings, landscapes, and environments for the benefit of society as a whole. Serving as a platform for learning, knowledge sharing, and development, we engage in challenging debates and raise awareness of the significance of architecture and its contribution to the sustainable transformation within the realms of politics and the public sphere.
Nordic Section / Finland
Nordic Section / Iceland
Nordic Section / Norway
Architects Sweden, Sveriges Arkitekter, is the collective trade union and professional organisation for all architects in Sweden. Our mission is to develop the architectural practice for our 14,000 members through trade union work as well as to promote professional and architectural issues through better policymaking. The members of Architects Sweden are architects, landscape architects, interior architects and planning architects.Vision: Architects who meet contemporary and future needs – well-designed, purposeful and sustainable architecture.End goal: Architects have a broad and leading role in community building. We welcome students, employees, leaders, executives and self-employed architects as members.
Nordic Section: Sveriges Arkitekter / Architects Sweden
Architects Sweden, Sveriges Arkitekter, is the collective trade union and professional organisation for all architects in Sweden. Our mission is to develop the architectural practice for our 14,000 members through trade union work as well as to promote professional and architectural issues through better policymaking. The members of Architects Sweden are architects, landscape architects, interior architects and planning architects.Vision: Architects who meet contemporary and future needs – well-designed, purposeful and sustainable architecture.End goal: Architects have a broad and leading role in community building. We welcome students, employees, leaders, executives and self-employed architects as members.
Since the members of the AAP approved the associative project that led to the creation of the Order of Architects in 1998, with the publication of the Statute (EOA) annexed to Decree-Law 176/98 of 3 July, the OA has gained its current composition, representing all architects and regulating their professional practice, a new associative role that has come to reflect both the growing affirmation and implantation of architects in Portuguese society and a new Portuguese reality resulting from European integration in 1986. It was created in 1998 by Decree-Law no. 176/98 of 3 July and is the faithful custodian of a long history of associations whose formal origins date back to 1863.
The CSCAE is a non-profit organisation established in 1931.Its essential purposes are representing and defending the profession and its Orders and Autonomic Councils as a single unit and also coordinating the action of its members in the completion of its essential purposes and shared purposes as well as in its relations with service entities created, promoted or held by the Orders, the Autonomic Councils, or the Council itself. Also, guaranteeing, in the practice of its own functions, and ensuring, at all times, the equality of treatment for all architects and their free practice of their profession in all Spain within the frame established pursuant to current legal provisions. And lastly, establishing the Code of Conduct for Architects within the frame of current regulation and protecting the interests of consumers and users of architecture services.
The Swiss Conference of Architects (CSA) is the umbrella organisation of the three Swiss associations of architects, the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (SIA) - Professional Group for Architecture (BGA), the Federation of Swiss Architects (FSA) and the Federation of Freelance Swiss Architects (FSAI). In addition, the Foundation of Swiss Registers (REG) is an observing member of the CSA. The CSA represents the common interests of the three associations of architects in the context of international relations, in particular through the CSA's membership of the two international organisations of architects, the International Union of Architects (UIA) and the Architects' Council of Europe (ACE). In addition, the CSA is a place for exchange and coordination of cooperation between the three associations of architects at national level. The CSA is a joint body of the three member associations. It does not pursue any independent policy and acts solely in the interests and according to the guidelines of its members.
Region II: Central and Eastern Europe
Armenia: Union of Architects of Armenia
In 1934, at the initiative of a group of Azerbaijani architects, the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan was created, which is the oldest creative union based on the common interests of our citizens engaged in professional architectural activities. Two years later, in March 1936, the Organizing Committee held the first congress of Azerbaijani architects. The Board of the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan (UAA) was elected there and the responsibilities and principles of the Union were determined. Over the past decades, the UAA has made a significant contribution to the development of architecture in our country, played a significant role in the development of young architects and in the success of our experienced architects.
The Union of Architects in Bulgaria (UAB), established on March 16, 1965, is a non-profit association focused on private benefit activities. It is a voluntary professional organization open to all architects, regardless of their occupation. UAB aims to assert the authority of architects and the architectural profession in society, develop and protect modern architectural ideas and values, promote sustainable development of architectural environments and territories, and preserve and enhance Bulgarian architectural identity and heritage. Additionally, it participates in shaping the legal and regulatory framework for architecture and urban planning, supports its members creatively, professionally, and socially while expanding their local and international contacts, and enhances architectural culture in society to foster a positive public attitude towards architecture.
The Society of Czech Architects serves as a cultural platform for Czech architects, ensuring association activities with the aim of promoting Czech architects to both the professional and general public, both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The year of establishment is dating back to 1921, continuing the legacy of the architects' societies from the First Republic. In 1989, it transformed from the Union of Architects, and between 1990 and 1993, it contributed to the establishment of the professional organization of the Czech Chamber of Architects. In 1948, it became a founding member of the International Union of Architects (UIA), with the membership of the Czech Republic being renewed by the new leadership of the Society in 2017, thus once again ensuring the protection and rights of Czech architects worldwide. Additionally, the Society of Czech Architects is a member of the Visegrad 4 Architectural Partnership.
Georgian Union of Architects was founded in 1931 year. The Union of architects of Georgia, together with the sectoral architectural schools and state institutions, will ensure the introduction of standards of architecture education and practice in Georgia, including initiating the improvement of the relevant legislation.
The Technical Chamber of Greece was established in 1923. It is a public entity governed by an elected administration. Its headquarters are located in Athens, with 17 regional offices across Greece.All qualified/licensed engineers in Greece are registered members of the TCG. According to the official data of January 2016, TCG had 104,444 active members and 21,937 retired honorary members.TCG’s goal is to develop Science and Technology in sectors related to the engineering specialties under its auspice, considering economic, social and cultural development, as per the principles of sustainable development and environmental protection.
The Israel United Architects is a non-profit association dedicated to enhancing the role of architects within the Israeli industry. The association organizes conferences, seminars, and enrichment courses for architects, operates an art gallery focused on architecture, and holds architectural competitions. It also advocates for architects' rights and provides input on planning, legislation, and standards.
Kosovo: Architects Association of Kosovo
The Order of Engineers and Architects (OEA) was established pursuant to Law ratified by the Lebanese parliament in 1951 aiming to regulate the profession of engineering in Lebanon. This mission was carried out by two syndicates, located in Beirut and Tripoli and they are considered as the only official reference and regulator for professionals licensed to practice engineering in the Country. The Tripoli Syndicate consists of engineers registered in the North Lebanon Governorate and the Beirut Syndicate is composed of engineers registered in all parts of Lebanon.
Palestinian Territories: Association of Architects of Palestine – AAP
The beginnings of the association of architects on Poland on the territory of Polish land date back to 1877. The successor of these organizations is the Association of Polish Architects, formally founded in 1934.The statutory objectives of SARP consist of taking care of the quality of architecture and the environment – built and natural – and understanding it as a public interest. Creating conditions for the development of architectural creativity and its protection, development of the architect's workshop and protection of the profession.SARP conducts broadly understood cultural, scientific and educational activities (organization of symposia and exhibitions), organizes architectural competitions, and serves as mutual assistance for Polish architects. Since 1966, the Association has been awarding the SARP Honorary Award, and since 1983 the SARP Award of the Year.
The Romanian Order of Architects (Ordinul Arhitecților din România – OAR) is a professional organization legally established in 2001, which aims to pass on to the society the fact that architecture is a cultural act of public interest, with urban, economic, social, and environmental impact. The Romanian Order of Architects is organized in 22 national branches and counts around 10 000 members, including Romanian architects, architectural technicians, urban planners, trainees, as well EU, EEA, and Swiss architects.
The Slovak Architects Society was established in 1992 as a voluntary, social, cultural, and artistic association of architecture enthusiasts. Its aim is to popularize architecture, disseminate information about architecture to the public, and participate in the creation of an integrated architectural culture. The SAS awards the Emil Belluš Prize for lifetime achievement every year, the prestigious Dušan Jurkovič Prize for the best realized project, the Jozef Lacko Prize for the best diploma project, and the Martin Kusý Prize for contributions in the fields of research, history, theory, and criticism of architecture, as well as for presentations in professional journals and media. Biennially, the ZUUPS Prize is awarded for the best urban project. The awarded works of the laureates are displayed along with other exhibitions at the periodic exhibitions in the Gallery of Architecture SAS in Bratislava and in regional cultural centers.
Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia / Zbornica za arhitekturo in prostor Slovenije (ZAPS) brings together architects, urban planners and landscape architects from Slovenia. The chamber was founded in 2004 to ensure professionalism and protection of the public interest in the field of spatial planning and building construction. Our activities are aimed at raising spatial culture in Slovenia.
Syria: Order of Syrian Engineers and Architects
The union was established as an independent organization in 1918 and was called the "Society of Ukrainian Architects". It was headed by Ukrainian architect Dmytro Dyachenko. Until 1933, various creative associations of architects were active in Ukraine in Kharkiv, Kyiv, Odesa and other cities. The Union of Architects was officially established in 1933. In 1993 was accepted as a member of the IUA. The union is also a member of the Architectural Council of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Forum of Unions of Architects of the Black Sea Region.
Uzbekistan: Union Architects of Uzbekistan
Members of the Balkan Architecture Forum from the Western Balkan countries:Albania - Shoqata e Arkitekteve te Shqiperise (SHASH)Montenegro - Savez Arhitekata Crne Gora (SACG)Republic of North Macedonia - Association of Architects of Macedonia (AAM)Kosovo - Architects' Association of Kosovo (AAK)Balkan Architecture Forum (BAF) is an international, non-political, voluntary organization dedicated to public benefit. BAF operates at national, regional, and international levels, participating in global organizations and events. Established on March 18, 2018, in Sofia, Bulgaria, by the Union of Architects of Bulgaria (UAB) under the patronage of the International Union of Architects (UIA), BAF aims to enhance the quality of life, combat climate change, and promote sustainable development in the Balkans.
Region III: The Americans
The most traditional association of architects in Brazil, created in 1921
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) is a not-for-profit, national organization dedicated to representing architects and architecture since 1907. The RAIC is the only national voice for excellence in the built environment in Canada focused on providing Canada’s architectural community with the tools, resources, and education to elevate their practice. The RAIC is committed to showcasing how design enhances quality of life, while advocating for important issues of society through responsible architecture. The RAIC’s purpose is to create a better world for all by empowering Canada’s architectural community. Through our work, the organization envisions a strong architectural community that is valued and empowered to create change. The RAIC’s national office is based in Ottawa, Ontario with a growing federated chapter model.
The College of Architects of Chile was founded in 1942. It is a professional association of architects in Chile who choose to voluntarily join the organization. Since 1977, it has organized the Architecture Biennale (@bienalarq) and has awarded the National Architecture Prize since 1969.
El Salvador: Colegio de Arquitectos de El Salvador
The College of Architects of Guatemala is a trade organization that brings together more than 8000 professionals of architecture and design at a national level, 7000 are architects, and 1000 are designers in the different branches, graphic designers, industrial, video games and 3D animation
Established in 1979 in the capital city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. It is an association of professional architects with the purpose to strengthen professional ties amongst members and society. Working to establish a legal framework that protects and advances the professional field in the country.
The National Architects Organization is a union group founded in 1937, with the status of a legal entity, that brings together Peruvian architects. Its function is to supervise the country's Architecture professionals. It is based in the city of Lima.
What started as 13 architects in a New York office in 1857 has grown to become the largest, most influential network of architects and design professionals in 2024. Our 98,000+ global member community shares a passion for design, a desire to change the world, and a commitment to the highest standards of practice.
The organization is the guild of architects from our country since 1914. The principal purpouse is promote good practices in professional practice and generate spaces for action in society. Please, indicate the total number of members (architects) from your organisation. More than 2500
Region IV: Asia and Oceania
Institute of Architects Bangladesh (IAB) was established on February 25th, 1972 in Dhaka, following the independence of the country in 1971. The founder president of the Institute was Architect Muzharul Islam. Thanks to the untiring efforts of all the past executive committees/councils IAB now runs its activities from it’s own premises at Agargaon, Dhaka. The design of the IAB Center was selected through a design competition held among the members of IAB. Beside the IAB central office in Dhaka, currently it has a Chapter in Chittagong and 2 Centres in Khulna & Sylhet.
The Architectural Society of China was founded in 1953. The Council of the Society now has four working committees anASC has fifty-five branch organisations.
The Indian Institute of Architects (IIA) is the National body of Architects in the country. Established in 1917, the institute today has more than 29,000 members and plays a major role in promoting the profession of architecture by organizing and uniting the Architects of India to promote aesthetic, scientific and practical efficiency of the profession both in Practice and in Education.
The Japan Institute of Architects (JIA) is Japan’s only professional organization of architects. Its principal role is to define and promote the social and legal status of professional architects in Japan. Following seventy years of efforts on the part of our predecessors to establish the profession of architecture in Japan, the JIA was founded in May 1987. It started by unifying two formerly individual associations that shared the same ideology: The Japan Architects Association (JAA) and The Japan Federation of Professional Architects Association (JFPAA). As an association of free and independent architects, the JIA is striving to create a greater understanding of the field of architecture within Japanese society, and to establish a firm social foundation and recognition for its members and their foreign counterparts worldwide.
Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM) — Malaysian Institute of Architects — is the national professional institute representing architects in Malaysia. PAM’s mission statement is "To promote the advancement of architecture and the architectural profession for the betterment of society".Founded in 1923 as the Institute of Architects Malaya, its name was changed in 1948 to the Federation of Malaya Society of Architects (FMSA), then allied to the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). Another change to its current name to reflect national sovereignty came about on 20th January, 1967 when PAM was registered with the Registrar of Societies.
Mongolia: Union of Mongolian Architects
Society of Nepalese Architects (SONA) is the professional organization of Nepalese Architects, established in 1990 by a group of enthusiastic architects who represented government, private sector and academia. The main objective of SONA is to protect the rights and responsibilities of Nepalese architects and promote architectural profession in Nepal. SONA also advocates towards promoting contextual architecture that suits our geography, climate, culture, traditions, and demands of modern society. SONA is continuously working towards the establishment of the Architect’s Council in Nepal and will actively engage in strengthening the network with regional and international associations of architects with the objective of maximum participation of its members in international conferences and seminars.
Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects (NZIA) is a membership-based professional organisation that was founded in 1905. It represents approximately 90 per cent of registered architects in Aotearoa New Zealand and supports and promotes architecture in this country.
North Korea: Korean Architects Union – KAU
Institute of Architects Pakistan was established in 1957 by a small group of architects who were trained in the west, had worked for the government and were in practice. One of its objectives is to organize the profession of architecture in Pakistan and look after professional interests as well as those of the public in general concerned with the building profession. To enforce a code of ethics and discipline amongst the practicing architects, they have promoted the passing of a statutory Registration Act for Architects in Pakistan.
On March 26, 1975, UAP was incorporated and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission with Registration No. 60782, and on May 12, the Professional Regulation Commission, with Architect Eric Nubla as the first Commissioner, issued Certificate No. 001 to UAP as the duly accredited professional organization of architects in the Philippines.The members of the Interim Board were: Norberto Nuke (President), Cesar Canchela (VP for Private Practice), Deogracias Atienza (VP for Government Services), Aquiles Paredes (VP for Allied Fields), Benjamin Meamo (Secretary), Alfredo Tungpalan (Treasurer), and Luciano Aquino, Otilio Arellano, Benjamin Feliciano, Edilberto Florentino, Bernandino Lozad, Arturo Mañalac, Ariston Nakpil, Victor Tiotuyco and Evelio Valdes as directors.
The Federation of Institutes of Korean Architects is an organization formed by the three major Korean architectural associations (KIA; Korean Institute of Architects, AIK; Architectural Institute of Korea, and KIRA; Korea Institute of Registered Architects) to participate jointly in international negotiations related to the WTO and in international bodies such as the UIA, and to collaboratively address current issues in the architectural field. The Korean Institute of Architects officially joined the UIA during its 7th General Assembly in 1963 and has been active since then. The Federation of Institutes of Korean Architects was approved as the Korean branch of the UIA at the UIA Board meeting held in Sydney in June 2000.
The UAE was formally organized on April 03, 1979 granting the registration of “Society of Engineers - UAE”. The foundation of Society of Engineers - UAE had started in the midst of the economic growth in the UAE. The founders had witnessed an exceptional development in the construction industry and the continuous increase of engineers working in all the engineering fields.
Region V: Africa
The National Council of the Order of Architects exercises disciplinary power over its members for any professional misconduct and violations of legislative and regulatory provisions to which architects are subject in their professional practice. This includes violations of liability legislation, breaches of professional rules and honor codes, and non-compliance with the internal regulations of the Order of Architects. This is outlined in Article 27 of Legislative Decree No. 94-07 of May 18, 1994, as modified by Law No. 04-06 of August 14, 2004, relating to the conditions of architectural production and the practice of the profession of architect.
The Order of Architects of Angola (OA) is the institution responsible for the profession of Architecture and Urban Planning. Based in Luanda (Angola), it is independent of State Bodies, enjoying administrative and patrimonial autonomy and its operating rules, and acts as a consultancy party of the State in the development of public architecture and urban planning policies.
Congo – Brazzavill: Société des Architectes du Congo – SAC
This institution, born on April 29th 1992 under the law nº013-92, is in charge of defending the rights of the Congo (Brazzaville) architects.
Gabon: Conseil National de l’Ordre Gabonais des Architectes
Guinea: National Chamber of Guinean Architects
Established in 1967, the Architectural Association of Kenya (AAK) is an umbrella Association for professionals in the built and natural environment in Kenya with 8 chapters: Architects, Construction project Managers, Engineers, Environmental Design Consultants, Interior Designers, Landscape Architects, Town Planners, and Quantity Surveyors. The Architects chapter makes up 0ver 58% of total membership.
The NIA was conceived by three Nigerian architects and founded on 1 April 1960, as an association of independent professional architects with the aims and objectives of fostering friendship amongst members, cater for their welfare and establish mutual support and cooperation amongst them.The NIA is a member organization of professional Architects, with the objective of promoting the practice of the profession of Architecture in Nigeria. It has approximately 6000 full members, associates, graduates and student members in 32 State Chapters. It is a member of the International Union of Architects and a founding member of both the Commonwealth Association of Architects and the Africa Union of Architects. It is a non-governmental organization but performs some statutory functions on behalf of the Architects Registration Council of Nigeria and cooperates with governmental and non-governmental agencies and institutions.
Sierra Leone: Sierra Leone Institute of Architects
The SLIA is the professional body of architects in Sierra Leone that is regulated by law. The architects Act 1986. The SLIA was formed in 1986
Sudan: Sudanese Institute of Architects
Uganda: Uganda Society of Architects
Established in 1995 with the objective of promoting the general advancement of architecture and to facilitate the acquiring of knowledge in architecture and the allied professions. And also, to provide for registration of architects, to provide good architectural practice, to maintain and improve the standards and conducts of architects, to consider allegations of professional misconducts of architects and to do all other incidental, or conducive to the attainment of the functions of the Institute