New HQ for the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences

The UIA endorsed the international, restricted two-phase architecture competition for the design of the new headquarters for the Kuwait Foundation of Sciences (KFAS), a private, non-profit organisation dedicated to progress and to the advancement of the society through science and technology.

The competition was organised by KFAS and managed by the German agency [phase eins]. It was conducted in two phases with 60 teams selected to phase 1 and 10 teams moving on to phase 2.


Key dates

  • Pre-qualification procedure: March 26 to April 18, 2018
  • Issue of Stage 1 competition materials: May 7, 2018
  • Participants’ colloquium Stage 1: May 13, 2018
  • Online forum Stage 1: May 7 to 22, 2018 (extended)
  • Submission of entries Stage 1: July 4, 2018
  • Submission of models Stage 1: July 11, 2018
  • Jury meeting Stage 1: July 31 and August 1, 2018
  • Issue of Stage 2 competition materials: August 16, 2018
  • Participants’ colloquium Stage 2: September 4, 2018
  • Online forum Stage 2: August 16 to 30, 2018
  • Submission of entries Stage 2: November 1, 2018
  • Submission of models Stage 2: November 8, 2018
  • Jury meeting Stage 2: December 1 and 2, 2018
  • Exhibition: Early 2019

More about the competition 


Keywords : Institutional


A total of 530 000 USD was reserved for prizes and honoraria. A budget of 400 000 USD was divided equally among Phase 2 competitors.

In addition to this, the following prizes were awarded:

  • 1st prize: 50 000 USD
  • 2nd prize: 35 000 USD
  • 3rd prize: 25 000 USD
  • 4th prize: 20 000 USD



Competition results

1st prize: Topotek 1 (Switzerland/Germany)

1st prize: Topotek 1 (Switzerland/Germany)

2nd prize: Metaform architects (Luxembourg)

2nd prize: Metaform architects (Luxembourg)

3rd prize: Querkraft architekten zt gmbh (Austria)

3rd prize: Querkraft architekten zt gmbh (Austria)

4th prize: Nasrine Seraji Architect (France), with Petitdidierprioux Architects (France), VS-A (Hong Kong, China), and Djao-Rakitine LTD (United Kingdom)

4th prize: Nasrine Seraji Architect (France), with Petitdidierprioux Architects (France), VS-A (Hong Kong, China), and Djao-Rakitine LTD (United Kingdom)

Theme and objectives

The new headquarters of the KFAS will include a convention centre, both buildings covering 11 000 square meters each, and a master plan covering 60 hectares. In keeping with the ambitious mission of KFAS, the new headquarters is intended to be forward-looking, innovative and cost-efficient, meeting the highest sustainability standards and should offer a flexible and modern working environment for its staff. The competition aspires to result in exemplary buildings, which can be a model for further developments in the Gulf region.


Jury Members

Architectural Jurors

  • Prof. Markus Allmann, Architect at Allmann Sattler Wappner Architects, Stuttgart
    Technical University, Munich/Germany
  • Prof. Nezar AlSayyad, Architect, UC Berkeley, Berkeley/USA and Cairo/Egypt
  • Prof. Luca Molinari, Architect, Milan/Italy (UIA representative)
  •  Prof. Hasan-Uddin Khan, Architect, Roger Williams University, Bristol/USA and Karachi/Pakistan
  • Prof. Mark Mack, Architect, UCLA, Los Angeles/USA and Austria

Alternate Architectural Jurors

  • Prof. Amale Andraos, Architect at Work Architecture, Columbia University,
    New York/USA and Beirut/Lebanon
  • Dr. Mohammed AlJassar, Architect, Kuwait City/Kuwait

General Jurors

  •  Mr. Abdlatif Yousef Al-Hamad, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director General
    of the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, Kuwait City/Kuwait
  • Ahmed Abdullah Al-Manfouhi, Engineer, Director General of
    Kuwait Municipality, Salmiya/Kuwait

Alternate General Juror

  • Khaled Al-Mashaan, Engineer, KFAS, Board Member, Kuwait City/Kuwait
  • Sabah Abi Hanna, Architect, Beirut/Lebanon

Honorary Guests

  • Dr. Adnan A. Shihab-Eldin, KFAS, Director General, Kuwait City/Kuwait
  • HE Dr. Yousef H. H. Al-Ebraheem, KFAS Board of Directors, Kuwait City/Kuwait

Technical Experts

  • Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Bauer, Fraunhofer-Institut, IAO, Stuttgart/Germany
  • Prof. Dr. Klaus Daniels, HL Beratungs- und Beteiligungs GmbH, Munich/Germany
  • Maisaa Kayali, Kuwait Municipality, Kuwait City/Kuwait
  • Stefan Rief, Fraunhofer-Institut, IAO, Stuttgart/Germany


The pre-selection phase of the competition is open to both experienced and young architects, large and small offices.



Competition closed. Results announced on December 2018